Monday, 24 November 2014

Final images of Paris Film Experiment

 Here is the final base print for which I plan to now move on and create a merge of multiple images purely in the darkroom.
Here is my final image from my collage of images from my film shoot of Paris. The image was supposed to contain the Sacre Coeur, Moulin Rouge and the Eiffel tower however the Sacre Coeur was hard to expose evenly so therefore I ended up with test merges being totally black. I decided that I liked this effect along with the very weird effect that the acetate covered in acrylic paint has created. Initially the acrylic paint was supposed to be used as an opaque mask however with only one layer the brush marks remain transparent. This was unintentional at first but then I actually began to quite like the effect and wanted it to be in my final image as it really is quite different. I am a little disappointed with the placement of the Moulin Rouge however this was the best I managed to achieve and overall I would say that I have learnt just how difficult the techniques of McBean and Jerry Uelsman must be. I particularly am interested in how both the mediums have caused me to create extremely different images. This has a sense of spontaneity and surprise whereas the other digital edit is far more planned and well executed

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