Friday, 19 December 2014

Reflection in the water testing angles shoot

In this shoot I was simply taking still images of possible angles in which I would shoot the video for my next cinemagraph. I was trying to achieve a visible reflection of my model in the water alongside it being rather distorted due to the waters movement. I like the angles of the last two shots however I would not be able to shoot a still video like this as I was literally holding my camera over the water. 5549 is far to dark, distracted by birds and has a rather unaesthetic background, not to mention there is next to none of a reflection in the water. I feel the most achievable and strong reflection in the water and composition within the image is that of 5547. This is the angle in which I chose to shoot my main video. 

1 comment:

  1. This blog is not looking about water testing but it is looking about photography. You are a good photographer.

    Surface Water Monitoring
